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That's a seriously nice menu, I was instantly impressed by it :D Regardless the game: I had kinda hard time at the beginning, but besides that you did great job in the sound design. I wish the map in the beginning was little more clear, or at least you could inspect it better, but that's a nitpick too. The movement was solid, even if I ended up feeling that the walking was too slow and that the running was fast, but not fast enough for the chases. Environment was interesting too, but variation on textures and such could spice it up too! 

Overall, I think the enemy's mechanics could have been introduced little clearer and other small balances could be done too, but besides that I had fun playing ^^ Good work! 


A lot of fair points, I definitely appreciate that. For sure a lot to learn going forward and also nice to hear about the things which were working. Thank you so much for playing and giving feedback!