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This is really good. The music is awesome. Pretty hard tho since there are no ammo pickups or smth. Didn't understand the mechanic where you get thrown out of the host and have to get back at first, but its cool. Gives a nice second chance but gets annoying if you get cornered.

Hi! We've continued working on The Last Host and are looking for playtesters. Specifically, people who would be able to record 5-10 minutes of a playthrough in the next two weeks, for testing out new mechanics. I'm reaching out to a couple of people who reviewed us originally, and have since been still making content. Totally understand if you're busy.


Sure, I'd be happy to playtest for you. I'm hopemetal on Discord if you want to contact me there.

Great! I'll reach out on Discord with a link probably by Friday. I appreciate it :-)