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Zortch Maxinum against The Alien Brainsuckers 路 By mutantleg

(Pre Release) Bugs Locked

A topic by mutantleg created Mar 16, 2023 Views: 1,079 Replies: 133
This topic was locked by mutantleg Apr 24, 2023

Please report bugs in the new thread!

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new version:

- I made the anti-aliasing/multisampling  much simpler - (it doesn't get kept turning on and off during rendering anymore - either will add some speed boost or the opposite - it was a potential culprit for the slowdowns but this change doesn't seem to have any effect)
- optimisation for particles - seems they did too many collision checks (potential cause for slowdowns?)
- a small rendering fix - now there shouldn't be artifacts anymore where two map shapes touch
- boss levels now have a background music before the fight starts
- some small map updates and fixes


looking forward to testing this build out! will be replying to your email today as well, i hope you are doing ok mr ass kicker, do try to take it easy dude! and take breaks if you are guna be doing things while your ill. Zortch isn't going anywhere 馃お She is still finding a way to break out from brainsuka prison 馃ぃ so you got a few years dont worry 馃懡馃枛


there is not much else I can do - my cough becomes a lot worse when I try to rest 馃様
but I guess it's better not to rush it - I fixed a lot of bugs lately that I didn't expect to be fixable a few weeks ago 馃


but just some minor fixes and optimizations this time


awesome, looking forward to seeing the changes, il be getting around to EP4-5 mighty soon, just been super busy with a few projects recently as well as work, but exiting times ahead with release sometime this month or next, a massive achievement 馃コ馃コ馃コ  


ok no worries  馃憤
(right now my plan is to release it on the 30th latest..  no matter what happens)


It's funny, i expected release  happened at middle of month and thought walk-thrrough can be cool birthday(19th) present, but finished game early as beta tester.

But free-time for hard re-walkthrough still on wishlist (=


that still can happen - 30th is the last resort date - what I mean is I won't  be waiting for next month



- left shift and right shift is now handled separately (old shift is now just left shift)
- a letterboxed mode (somewhat improves the horizontal fov in fullscreen)
- small fix for the pause view (it now updates if you change the resolution)

Developer (3 edits) (+2)


- a small fix with windowing
- fix for letterboxing

Update: on second thought I cleaned up the releases - so now its just  and it has everything


ayy nice fix


as expected I immediately found some bugs: Build 1792 is now the release build
last minute fixes:
- fix for e1m3 hole
- starting e1m3 from level select kept the theme music running
- debug noclip mode (hold ctrl) got broken
- also removed limit from the aspect ratio for windowed mode


What is debug noclip mode?


you can enter debug mode with DEBUG in the command line
and then hold Control (now only Left control) to go through the walls
(I might have called it something else in the past - I lost track of things)


map bug!!!! at e1m3 if you go to this area (screenshot provided) you will have a section where there's no walls and you can get completely out of bounds easily I hope you know which area is this mutantleg it's usually under the waterfall


it's quite a big hole too O_o
I wonder how we didn't notice it before 馃



bro i was just trying to get secrets I got a map bug instead xD also fix debug fly/noclip cuz it breaks when I am in water I can't get out of the water

Developer (1 edit)

you mean you are stuck even if you stop holding ctrl?

(edit: nevermind, I see what you mean)


yea you can't get out of da watah lol


added  (will these fixes ever end?)
fix for the newly discovered giant hole in e1m3
- fix for noclip in water

(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm, when I search for secrets, i already found a lot of level-seams/sky-box-bounded-walls while moved with rocket jumping.

I don't report this because a lot of games have same ares.

Should I report it if it's have no holes like earlier, just skybox or level bound outside walking/normal-jumping area?


if they are as big as this one was then definitely 馃槄

seriously though i'm interested in any place where you can fit in and potentially fall off the map or  any place where you managed to get stuck somehow 馃 
(but only  if you can get there without a cheat)

I'm not sure which ones you mean though - if it just looks odd then it's fine  馃


new lovely bug coming right up I call this the SCREW RELOADING bug

how to reproduce: activate debug mode and start flying/noclipping and have literally any weapon you can reload the shotgun is the easiest example then try to reload and you will be bugged until you stop flying/noclipping weird bugs relating flying tbh lmao


these debug mode happenings don't count as bugs (at least not as high priority ones - debug mode is really just hacked up code to well.. debug things )
because things work normally after 'landing' I put this on the nofix list (for now)


ok got it

(1 edit) (+1)

wtf mutant?? killing one of those exploding spider enemies causes this on e1m3  note that I had debug mode enabled while testing so idk what could have happened


these are normal -- not all enemies have pain sounds
it's normal if you get these in debug mode
(but please let me know if you encounter anything like this non-debug mode)


ok got it


omg how many bugs can i find in a one hour span damn and yet another fly/noclip bug it seems that sometimes on e1m3 you can't fly up or down at random but you can still go at any direction just not in height I tried replicating it but to no avail I hope you stumble upon this bug yourself alright?


yes the noclip has many strange things to it - but because you can only do it in debug mode I don't count them as bugs
btw you can fly holding Y in debug mode


I updated the big download to the latest build .. once again the game is ready for release..
which means it's time for a giant previously unnoticed bug to pop-up once again.. 馃檭

also I'm almost afraid to ask.. has anyone tried the editor?


I'm happy to hear that!

I tried a bit, but without reading doc or before it appears.

Not so obvious, but I can make something after couple minutes.

But don't do anything really playable for now. And I used a lot of map editors in my life.


so it starts at least .. that is already good news 馃憤

I'm looking to extend the help a bit .. thing is I'm not sure what to write about
many things are obvious to me that  are probably not for others
so far the help only covers the hotkeys and it dawned on me that this tool might be more complicated than I remembered 馃

but I guess extending the editor help can wait after release 馃


I agree editor help can wait, not so many people really interested in it, but who really love map editing have more exp. with that...

And after all that I saw at game and read in blog I feel like editor have more console command & tricks to easy map editing... (it's the way to expand help If i was right)

I think map editing it's more about skill than tools. (I think it's one of explanation about LAB popularity...)


I guess I'm being worried for nothing - I just feel kind of bad because it's a dev tool so no doubt many people will be disappointed with it 馃

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'm closing this topic and making a new one for any post-release bugs.
Once again thank you all for helping out!

Developer locked this topic
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