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I sound young because I dont sound like a robot or walk with a stick up my ass like Grizz? Or is it because I say shit like it is and try to put a little light hearted humor in it. Also a real 100 percent answer, I literally dont mind fixing and finishing Tooth. But I physically cannot deal with all the love sick weirdos that it brings. Because for some fucking reason they come to me thinking I'm a love doctor or shit when I'm aro. Had to deal with this shit for 4 fucking years. I'm tired of it. I used to be excited when someone joins my server, but now I know it's just another lonely love sick puppy that uses fantasy characters to fill their hole. Because society grows people to be romance addicts

And I'm "clearly" not well, when I've talked like this in every single fuckin post I've made.

And no, this vn was literally made out of pure spite. Spite of love addicts. To show them they only need themself to be happy