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Wow. Again. Angela's games never ever cease to amaze me, move me and really get me thinking about life.

missed messages is another heartfelt, heart-wrenching (and potentially heartwarming) tale showcasing Angela's hugely unique game style, with gorgeous artwork, subtle music wafting along in the background and a story (stories) that will absolutely floor you, regardless of which path you decide to take.

It's a very minimalist affair, where you interact with a few things and then decide on which way a conversation goes, but you get swept up so quickly in everything that's happening that it becomes a very personal and immersive affair every time you load the game up.

If you've enjoyed previous work from Angela, then make sure you definitely play this too. If you haven't played anything by her yet, it would be a sin to not try this out before immediately hunting down the rest of her work.

Angela, please never stop creating because you really are one of my favourites! =)