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Right thank you for the help and advice. I will say I'm going with a horror shooter mostly. The one thing I like from re outbreak inventory is it didn't pause the game so when you switch weapons or use a healing item you had to be in a safe area.  Also what is the scripting like? I'm new to coding and never done it at all, so would it be a good start for a beginner?

so scripting in efpse is absolutely nothing like coding.

in efpse scripts are a set of commands that run in sequence

for an example of a very simple script:
vn 1
text "hello world"
map return

this script calls the command vn and sets it to 1 (true) ---- vn is visual novel mode for text and just displays text inside a text box
then it calls the command text with the text "hello world"   ---- this will display the text inside the quotes
then it calls the command map return, which ends the script and returns the player to the game.

Ok, I just never done anything like this so it's all new to me lol but I'll get the hang of it :)