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The Steam version is a little ahead because of fixes specifically for Steam Deck. Otherwise the version is the same, but without achievements and cloud saves.

(1 edit)

Ok thanks I have had the steam for over 1-1.5 Years Have explored it 5-8 times and love it.
just a Question are you going to be doing Sisterly Lust 2. where all the Girls there Children go back to the Mainland and get in even more excitement?

Or continue for a Few More Months to Years?

Happy to hear that! There's no direct sequel planned, because I'm very busy with my new game. I do have some ideas for DLC, but I lack the time to work on it at the moment.


am Both Sad and Glad to Hear that.
sad because the game is very good, and could benefit with a few More Chapters.
glad that your working on another Game.
If i might ask what is the Game Name?

It's called Tales From The Unending Void, the first season is available on as well: