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Hi Gabs! I have no idea why someone downvoted this, it wasn't me ;__; I've been staring at the comment for a while, not being able to type: it made me really happy to read it and no, it's not a problem it's long! Even if it was longer! And if you do fanarts I'd be honored, please tag me so I can see ;\\\\;

He doesn't have a canon age, but I envisioned him to be in his 20s at the time of the flashback, not younger just because his one it was a spec ops and he had to be more than a cadet. I didn't know the term Weirdcore before but I was googling it now and yes, I see what you mean! So far you're the second one to find the cursed room ever, it's not easy xD 

Maybe I should swap some medal locations, I see many players have difficulty with that... 
But aside from this, it makes me very happy that you liked the story and the characters ;\\\\; thank you again for playing and commenting, Gabs!