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Thanks for the comment and for trying it out. You kind of guessed it right. The connection is the space-time (hence gravity). It’s about the four-dimensional continuum having three spatial coordinates and one time coordinate. And they’re connected.

The objective is to save yourself (and the World) by traveling through time like through 3d space. So time moves on when you move depending on the amount of gravitational force you are subjected to.

Unfortunately our first Packaging had errors and we couldn’t finish the game in the short time, but probably the game will be continued.

Since it was our first game jam we might have had a bigger scope than we should have.

PS: the “red emissive cylinder” is just the time related pawn(with which you start), which is not destroyed after changing to the gravity pawn.

Oh guys seems awesome... in theory.

I love physics and science and this description of the game make it soo interesting but i think that theoretically if the time pass only if we move so we are photons... and if we are photons we should see black if not moving cause everything stops lol (jk its like Super Hot)

Btw if this is your first jam i totally understand, i did the same mistake with my other 2 friends, we wanted to do a lot of mechanics, a lot of gameplay and assets totally out of scope so released a game with bugs ehehe, no worries, you'll learn by doing it