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The update was toootally worth the wait! Although... Heres to hoping that the next 1ne won't take more than a year "^__^

To start with, I'd like to say that xou have quite the way with words, as I really resonate with xour writing style, and I adore xour sense of humour! ^^_ Xou're also pretty good at conceptualising characters, because from what xou've shown us so far, xou've cast a rather delicous list of husbandos~ :p Best of which is Trevor n///n He's sooo handsome and charismatic! o.o A perfect choice to introduce us to the lodge UwU

When will we get the chance to spend some time with Noah? (And or access the other choices?). Me needs some time with big meow! >.> (Wouldn't mind getting my paws on that Flint guy either~ :p)

Xou've done an amazing job with Brighthill Lodge so far! :) It might have taken a while to get this far, but creativity is always expressed best when not forced. So I want to thank xou for continuing this, as I've seen countless VN's go dark without warning :/ I'm really glad xou were able to find the drive to write, as I can see this quickly becoming 1ne of my favourite VN's! :D

Thank xou for all the effort xou put into BH, and keep up all the good work! \>.</



I thiiiiiink Noah might get a little time to shine in the next update? I hope I can do him justice!