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(5 edits)

Hello! I'm glad you enjoy what I'm making :D My plan is very simple, really, my plan is to remake the entirety of the original Changed special game into 3D with level design, programming, etc. (Though sometimes I ponder if I should just develop the original Changed, which is much, much shorter than the Special edition).

As of now, my current objective is to continue with the ServerArea with Dr. K. trying to stop you (sharp ventilators, lasers, etc.), disinfection rooms and the dark playful puzzle box latex creatures.

I'm developing this game with a "segments" method, I pick a segment length of the original game, and work to that part until everything is at a satisfactory level, and it usually takes me 3-4 months of hard work.
Development might go faster when I get a budget to pay artists (which is what I most need), through donations or some other way, because as of right now, I must develop every aspect of the game myself (level making, programming and art), which is time consuming and tough, but I'm able to manage.

I don't always directly go into making new levels as soon as I finish to make the current ones, because thousands of bugs and suggestions arise that I must fix and develop, for I want a good game that everyone can enjoy!

There is the possibility that I might end up making a custom story /plot in the future (not change the original story, just a custom adventure that the player can select to play), where the plot bifurcates and things go different for Colin... but that will probably only be when I finish my primary objectives with the project.