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Each character has an introduction and has at least one CG to help differentiate from their sprites.  While there is no body language difference between displayed emotions, the facial expressions seem to change enough that there is no similarities, it may be enough for me to be happy with it.  Nice touch that each character seems to have theme music too, in a way describing their personality.

Ah debates like this... I wish I was better at getting my points across at times, but debating and arguing aren't the same thing... and frankly I'm too used to people being overly defensive that it only leads to arguing.  If level headiness and cool is kept then it can be much easier to debate.  Debating doesn't necesscerily mean one side is right or wrong, it more to sift through the facts, something that arguing may stand to overlook.  Not even I am immune from this, but jumping to defensive conclusions doesn't ever help.  There is some guilt to be had by me.

What a Guy! Sorry had too...

Love all the real life pop references!

Amazing how one little screw up can suddenly ruin someone's life!  And yet most people just proceed to ignore it, yet don't bother to think about if it were them!

And gut punch!  The little hypocrisies most of us (and I do have my own idiosyncrasies, but again so used to it that I won't notice on my own) don't realize we do.

THE COACH IS A PUG! XDXDXD, I'm sorry but the irony of having your own expectations shattered and you hit yourself for ever thinking otherwise!  At least he is pugnacious! >..>

Once again that feeling of stepping on eggshells over uncertainties on some things.  Once again though the key to clearing up a misunderstanding is clear communication, make it know that what they they think you are thinking is not what you are thinking at all, tell the truth, otherwise it will create more friction.  I had a professor for World Religion, who also was a (Christian?) (Priest?), someone actually asked his thoughts about gays, he initially took a bit, clearly uncomfortable, and said he didn't like it, but he had nothing against it.  It was merely not his business AND there was no outstandingly bad about it.  It was an honest answer expressing how he felt, but nothing made him think anything truly ill of it.  Like many things, it is not easy until it is normalized, but he bigger issue is the actions taken to normalize something, which will stand to brighten or stain the name of something, on a grand or even small as personal scale, for we are shaped by our experiences which change how we perceive things.

Another point is location, location, location.  Not everyone lives where you do, so you can't expect them to understand everything that is going on.  Still if claims can be backed up with proof, they would no longer be considered assumptions.  I guess this where I tend to fail, for I don't try hard enough to link things to more concrete examples of things that have happened.  Even if I did most would still reject it anyway.  Its where things tend to get down to messy he said, she said, (they/it said?)...

Still I am able to recognize my own failure.

The GSA, a means for sharing information, therefore informing others, which in turn promotes awareness, which then removes stigmas caused by lack of knowledge about something otherwise unknown. Communication! It works wonders!  There needs to be more groups like these, god (if any) knows that I am in need of it for beyond LBG, as the rest are or at least feel more obscure and grey.  Other may have concerns too, and they have concerns, so how else are we to find a better way to understand each other than to communicate?  Change doesn't happen overnight!

Ugg.. I do talk too much, but I am passionate, to strive for better understanding and mutual respect.  Nothing is free, but not everything is a tangible object either.  In both cases they have to be earned somehow, but how earned is defined could vary by circumstance.  Nothing is ever that easy, but it does not have to made so complicated either though.