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THIS GAME'S PUZZLES....... They're really fun!!! The game, overall, is just really delightful. Figuring out the execution on each of the stages, especially the ones with a timer on them, was really enjoyable, in a nice, puzzle-solving way. SOME OF THE PUZZLES WERE SO FRICKING HARD THOUGH, AAAGHGHG..... The monkeys....... The like, last four stages were so hard, pffff. BUT, PERSEVERANCE PULLED THROUGH, AND THEY WERE COMPLETED!!! I wonder if some of them have monkeys as like... misdirections, like you aren't actually supposed to go for them, because I certainly cleared a couple stages with one monkey sitting around at the end. Either way, though, this was fun as heck!!! And challenging as heck!!!

Thank you for making it!!!!