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Will deff consider it when things out of our control push back updates. Like Annue's power went out or something and had to stay with family for a few weeks. So art stuff been behind, but are working on stuff elsewhere, just not stuff that's really able to be shown.


sucks to hear hope they doing well

I appreciate the honesty, and I understand that unforeseen problems pop up occasionally.  However, While I don't speak for everyone, I believe it would be widely appreciated if some news about what's going on, such as said unforeseen problems coming up, was given.  Doesn't need to be about additions to the game, just let us know if something happens so we know to be patient for a bit longer.


Yeah we can deff get better at posting updates about delays. Know those suck, but guess better than no news. Don't want yall thinking anything is abandoned or lost interest from us!