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IF you invite him in you can talk to him and you have a conversation. ViV can - if you want to- lead herself to trying to seduce him but otherwise he doesn't try anything. You two can have a conversation get to know each other... I liked his replies during that.

I had a feeling that that's what happens but I never invited him because he had so many red flags before.

so on regards of the bathroom scene if you're character has enough dominance and choses to banish the cock then you will be met outside the bathroom by the 2 wolf's that would usually confront you but one will say he is going to get revenge conforming that is the person in the stall but it seemed you were saying that he tries taking advantage of viv before she goes in the bathroom not that the glory hole scene was him trying to take advantage of viv

No i know that the gloryhole guy is the same wolf that harrasses you with his friend. I was talking about Steve and his red flags.