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Deleted 1 year ago

Nah, you're good. You are a nice guy (at least the way I've seen you)!

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Ah.. sorry for misjudging your gender.. And yeah, most of us have our own dark sides.

Deleted 1 year ago

Well, at least you didn't kill or seriously harm some people! R-right?

Deleted 1 year ago

Awww hell naw, are you talking about suicide or self-harm and shart?

Deleted 1 year ago

Nah, it's fine, I just know this one emo kid at my karate class. She always wears black lipstick and crap and complains about how bad her life is and how she wants to KHS. Openly. I hope the parents put her into therapy.

bruh that sucks

yeah, it really does..

bruh that's me i call the external harm dark side i hunter has a internal harm dark side


my dark side is . . . rather destructive. I don't allow things to hurt me so I take it out to protect myself in a sense.



+ another one time i misgendered someone