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I think 'hybrids' exist - they're usually just framed as 'games with a long common route' rather than a hybrid. I just view them as hybrids of the two styles personally. I think some JVN style otomes are set up like this too!

When I say 'scenario' based, I just mean that the LIs don't get their own separate route but a collection of individual scenarios unique to that LI, which are embedded into a single shared storyline.

In Chapter One of WSC (which is the chapter that I released), there is one LI-specific scenario, which is when the LI walks the MC to their room and you get a unique conversation with them (Asher talks about hearing the cube sing, Raif talks about how he dislikes when people aren't up front with him about things, etc.)

It's a pretty short scenario - about 2000 words per LI (give or take a few hundred words.) They're all also pretty similar in terms of what happens as well - the LI walks Wil to their room and there is a conversation. They say "There's your bed!" and then they leave.

In later chapters, the LI-specific (IE the 1x1 scenes) are more frequent or are longer. So you may get 2 or 3 scenarios per LI in a chapter. Or else you get one really long - like a 6000 word - scenario. And there's a little more variation in terms of what actually happens in those scenarios. Until eventually the routes completely diverge from each other and the final chapters all flow differently and have no overlap in the scenes.

There's a lot less freedom with this game structure and it's honestly way harder than the way I normally construct my games. That's why this will be the only game I write in this way. LoL!
(* ̄3 ̄)╭