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(1 edit) (+1)

This doesn't look or sound like any of the other games that I'd played in this Jam.
The gooey circuitry alien like look of the environment and enemies and the soundscape really complimented eachother.
The combat was simple but decent.  I didn't get the hang of parrying.  Not sure if there was a tell I wasn't picking up on.
And I liked backing into a little nook to rest safely.

I only got to Floor 5 and stopped because of the sensitive the turning though.  The snappy motion blur and motion were great, but I'd often disorient myself, making extra turns where I didn't mean to.  And with no map, it was very difficult to get a lay of the land and find the exit.  (On my first run I was stuck on floor 2 for ages.)


Awesome, thanks so much for the kind words and the play.

The parry "tell" is the enemies eye color/particles. It definitely would benefit from more animation and a more obvious tell though.

The turning and movement absolutely need some tweaking, that seems to be pretty consistent criticism. If/when I revisit this post jam that's the number 1 priority. I also considered adding a minimap when making it, but never got around to it.