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Thank you for the review! You're very kind. 

I really, really shouldn't have put a "not implemented" dialog popup into the game because it tricked me into thinking the "quit to menu" was in. Honestly I thought it was until I read this review lol.

You're very right about showing the body with the event. I designed the dialog to fit underneath NPCs but then of course the first dialog-creating entity happened to be lying on the floor. Never even occurred to me that it was covered but yes, it would be much better to see the body.

I am tempted to make a commercial crawler but this won't be it. I did like working on it a lot, especially considering how fun the art was to make. I recently finished my fourth month in a professional illustration course where I was learning to do everything the "right" way and for this game jam it was dirty tricks all the way for the character art.

The title screen was not so hard, just a screenshot with some Photoshop text in the game font on it. But I agree with you it helps a lot. Having said that your game, by far, has the best title screen of them all. How did you create that, was it AI?


No worries at all, your game is pretty good :)

Thanks for your very kind words about my title screen! Yes it is AI, I generated it through Midjourney and filtered it a bit though the same processes that I do on The Darkness Below. Truth is, sometimes the generated image is so good, you rarely need to do things, but I did anyway as I crave for consistency :) Having said that, I wish that I had a little more time to be consistent content-wise but oh well, there's always a second version :p