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Thanks, Ghost, these are really useful comments :) Thank you a lot for taking the time not only to watch the video but also writing this up. 

Here are some thoughts on each of them, in reverse order :)

4- Your last comment is so helpful :). It is amazing how a creator (in this case, me) may fail to notice gaps in their narrative. I must explain in the animation that the rise in inequality meant a new oligarch class emerged. 

3- No doubt there will be a skip option.

2- Yeah, I will check out if there is any support for the greek animation. If there 5s no support, I will drop that idea.

1- The art needs tons of work, for sure!!! The current art there is just what I could do myself in 5 days of work. I want to get these animations perfected in terms of narrative before commissioning the final art.

Again, big thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

If I can ask one thing more, though... what are the other things that were "good work"? The narrative works for you? Or what else?


no need to thank me I really like the game and would like to see it blossom 

as for what I meant by good work ; is the narrative and the story