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Many thanks for playing our game. We were happy with how it came together (eventually). Did you like having the creatures named or would it have been better without them, or just say generically "Rat"? We debated this ourselves during the jam and felt it added a bit of humour to it but we could be off the mark.

You're spot on with the Sound Effects. We had no sound at all in the game until 10:30pm on Friday (the last night of the jam). We pulled an all-nighter on Friday night and spent the last few sleepless hours putting in as many sounds effects as we could. There were lots of things we really wanted to have sound effects for that we just ran out of time to put in, which was disappointing. We had two ambient noise track loops, one for above water and one for below, but the effect was so subtle you couldn't hear them unless your sound volume was at max. In conclusion, next time we should be a team of three (instead of the two we are now) and reach out for an audio person to join us.

Thanks again and we look forward to playing your game this week. Best of luck in the jam.