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(4 edits)

I genuinely think I've reached the skill ceiling, or at least somewhere close to it.

PB: 4.107

Code: 0ã2þŲòAð4Ěŵġl1WŜĜ
I call this one: Rooftop Climb


Much trickier than I expected.

well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

since you somehow halved the time, i'll let you keep the crown of best pogo3d player... for now

I actually didn't expect to beat your time as fast as I did, but...


Lol good job. It took me a bunch of tries, I think you are more consistent!

I'll definitely let you keep that jeez, 4.1 is fast

thanks lol, I'm currently doing castle infiltration, the one you made earlier, and I'm getting really close to <15 seconds, but I can't get the last jump.

Cheers for checking it out. Yeah there are a couple of routes, depending on how fast you go. For me going straight ahead and then doing a backwards jump onto the last roof works okay. But if you're real fast you can skip all that.

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If you go to my stream, you can see my techniques and routes as I'm about to do a bunch of balloon challenges

(edit: on stream i just got 9.342 on castle infiltration)

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yeah, saw it, gj

shame you didn't stream the 4.1 I'd have liked to see it

just started streaming.

oh shit there's another tab of developer challenges? I thought it was just the 5

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yeah, you unlock them by getting the collectibles lying around the map. also you can use the youtube chat unless you dont have a youtube account

I have one just not on my computer rn

I actually got the 4.4 on yours slightly differently, I started out by boosting off the wall behind me and then the floor with two quick boosts, and then I transitioned into the regular movement

ah, thats interesting

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like, to the side, almost where the wall and the floor meet

My first bounce is at an angle into the wall to the right, and then into the floor movement

i think that might be faster, just need to perfect the movement after that

yeah it's just super faceplanty, but I think it could be faster

depends on if the distances work out


I'm all pogoed out, wp

you definitely make it look easy

Have a go at taking back the WR sometime, I'd like to see how low you can push it. Maybe some oob even?

I guess I could try. I'll do it on stream if you want to watch it