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Note the inputs flip with the direction. All inputs below are assuming you're facing right. If you're facing left, swap A and D (or right/left arrow if your P2).
For P1:

S D F - Projectile

S D G - Special Input

S A G - Grab

S A F - Character Exclusive attack (Red/Blue)

D S A G - Lvl 3

D S A F - Lvl 3 Transformation

A S D F - Lvl 1 Projectile

A S D G - Lvl 1

For P2:

down, right, comma - Projectile

down, right, period - Special Input

down, left, period  - Grab

down, left, comma - Character Exclusive attack (Red/Blue)

right, down, left, period - Lvl 3

right, down, left, comma - Lvl 3 Transformation

left, down, right, comma - Lvl 1 Projectile

left, down, right, period - Lvl 1

Is this better?

i think maybe im going to figure it out