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I always read and try to respond to each of my comments! I can't say for sure where the direction of the story will go, but I'll say that spending time getting to know the girls will be worth the investment. Rest assured, choosing to ignore them will not cause them to meet a terrible fate down the line.

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Ok thanks. Honestly it's good to pay attention to your community as it allows you to get feedback and gives insight into what your audience thinks so I appreciate it. Some devs don't pay attention to this so as a self set rule I always make sure that they know that the effort is appreciated. Because I know that it's not always easy to listen to honest feedback so when I do give said feedback I always try to be as fair and objective as I can while remaining honest and when the feedback is recieved and shown consideration I try to always remember to thank them for that consideration. For me it's just a matter of it being important to remain courteous especially when people show me the same level of courtesy and consideration. I hope that makes sense.

Definitely. I mean, much of the game’s content has been shaped by the community’s ideas and feedback. It’s certainly a collaborative project, so I appreciate player interaction.