[Review of Chapter 4]
This chapter marked a sort of return, both literally in form of re-visiting the citadel, but also in some of the pacing and gameplay.
I liked where the story was going with the characters, as well as the dungeon, which definitely took up most of the playtime this time around.
The ideas for each area of the ruined city were well implemented (I think the 'hunt' could get a bit out of hands with how the spawns worked sometimes). The riddles still proved difficult for me to see how they were meant to narrow down the solution (maybe I am just thinking too directly?), but they felt more lenient in how you could still solve them (I really liked the end of the rose route, by the way).
In terms of side attractions, I like the concept of using the flowers from Daphne for something else, although I never really felt the elements to be that important in battle. (I also found the double-weapon way more practical). I also enjoyed the actually more hidden side quest to find out… ‘something’.
On the feedback side, once again I would suggest a broader testing run before release. I found a bunch of little quirks and oversights, as well as a few confusing and player locking issues. Some of them appeared during normal gameplay, some when re-visiting locations during or after the chapter.
So, really solid chapter once again. It felt a bit weaker compared to the third one, but I could not even say why. I think there is no real reason. Everyone simply has their favourite part of a game and I always try to find a 'feeling' of how a chapter came across to me. As mentioned in the beginning, this one felt like a mixture of chapter 1, combined with something new and returning from the other chapters, as well. Which, given the point and story of it, fits this chapter really well and is definitely not something bad in a good game.
Great job as always.