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What a cool program! I grabbed the latest windows version of this a little bit ago and I've been clickety clacking away with the typewriter sound turned on. Not sure about the emojis but the sound really helps my AuDHD brain Brrrrrrrr away while I write.

The only trouble I've encountered has been the following:
- The program lags like crazy when it's not Full Screen. I even closed everything running in the background and it still lagged. The lag got substantially worse if I ran an animated background and running the background and emojis made it practically impossible to use.
--- Once I switched it to Fullscreen the lag went away.

- I had the program up for about 20 minutes while I handled something in another window. It was behind the window and when I went to move StimuWrite 2's window up front again it crashed on me. When I opened the program again all of my previous writing was gone and I couldn't figure out a way to retrieve it. For someone that has to juggle multiple programs or get up and walk away from the computer for anywhere from 5-30 minutes I can't always take the extra time to export/copy my work onto another document and save it (Also I have AuDHD so sometimes I forget outright to do things like this.
--- Some kind of autosave feature might be a good idea so that writing can be retrieved if the program crashes.

- The volume for any kind of sound seemed to be set SUPER HIGH by default. It was genuinely painful when I first started looking at the different typing sounds and 'soundscapes'. 
--- I realize this might be more my own fault but I tend to run my main computer volume around 50%, never had my ears hurt from turning the sound on in any program til now. Maybe default it a little lower and let people turn it up if they need to? Idk.. This one's really nbd.

I'll admit, I didn't pay for this. I'm living paycheck to paycheck and when I saw someone post about this on Twitter, I decided to check it out. I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm genuinely impressed with what I'm seeing so far and I've 'followed' you (the creator) on here. I've ever intention of setting aside some money when I can and paying for the next update properly. Especially if it promises a bit more stability or some kind of autosave feature.

Keep up the great work!

Hi there! If you click on the "Options" link button next to about and then select "Recover Session" you may find the writing that was lost. As for the fullscreen issues, try going to "Advanced Settings" in the same options menu and turning off the GPU Particles setting. You will have to restart the app for that to take effect. Let me know if that fixes the issues you had with lag and instability.  

And don't worry about getting it for free! Donations help of course, but I made the app available for free so that anyone could get the benefit from it even if money was tight.