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Me too xD And yes, yes it would, haha. It's like some sort of evil prank the universe is playing on me to be forced to take a break without actually being able to do the things I'd like to do during a break x3

You're right though, I should take more actual breaks that aren't forced ones because I don't really do it enough, and I know I should >.< it's just easier said than done as you say, haha. Cos even if it's unhealthy to be working on stuff almost all of the time, somehow, my mental health always gets worse when I stop. It's like working myself into the ground is the only/most effective way I know to stop myself from feeling like absolute crap in my head >.<" And I just know that once my arm is finally better, I'm gonna wind up trying to work twice as hard to make up for all the time that's been lost! But I still need to find time to actually make a dent in my gaming backlog x3