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Thank you for playing and your awesome video!

I’ve actually seen that weird flying zombie glitch before, and I dunno why it happens. It’s only a single zombie that does it. I guess something it’s messing up the physics in the Unity engine. 

Answering your feedback - The full game will definitely have game menu music. Also a better looking UI.

Obviously in the full version the amount of ammo you find will be significantly reduced, but you’ll be able to craft special ammo and minor health kits. Likewise you’ll be able to craft explosives and molotovs. Objects like cars and such will become lootable.

You’ll also be able to interact with sinks and toilets etc. Destroying stuff too.

Furthermore there will be a larger variety of zombie types. Including bosses. The goal is to make their AI better, so the player won't be able to predict their movement. Likewise the zombies can be blown to pieces.

Finally, Drained is also going to have a storyline and other survivors and added voice acting for the characters. 


Awesome! Let me know when you update it! Thanks!