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did I complete the game?: I could not complete this game because there was no way too. It's an online game! 

what i liked: It's very cool that you used pygame to make an online game. I didn't even know you could do that. Looks like it would be fun if there were players for it.

what I would suggest: The background grid seemed like it might hurt my eyes a little. The way it moves when I go toward a corner was like trippy but like a little much.

overall: I really can't give any good feedback until I play the game with others! It's very cool that you decided to take the time to make an online game for a jam though. That's an impressive task to attempt to tackle in such a short time.


Thank you so much! I wasn't expecting this positive of a feedback for a rushed game!

jams are all about learning. completing one is a feat in itself :)