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(1 edit)

I just discovered this and it seems like it'd be entertaining but I'm stuck at level 1, which I believe locks me out of basically all progression, like stream types.
I can't get Finnana points, however you're supposed to get those, which means I can't gacha. When loading the game the number starts really high and then becomes zero (gradually, but I assume that's just visual). That might have something to do with it.
I don't know what any of the stats do. I assume they might come into play with different stream types, so I'm stuck at that point.
Another issue I saw was that consumables don't seem to get saved on Save and Quit.
I also saw an issue where trying to do anything while the game was loading caused it to be unresponsive on the main menu.  
Quitting puts a big block of JSON into the user's clipboard. I noticed that when trying to take my screenshot. Looks like it might be the entire save file?