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You need to make sure that "Quick Menu" is enabled in the Preferences page, and that the top bar is visible (click on the downward-pointing arrow at the top-left of the screen) :)

Note that some Android devices are having issues with the quick menu, which I'm trying to figure out (but progress is slow as I can't replicate the issue on my own device).

Thank you for your response, maybe will wait for your next update i guess. I've been back and forth with the quick menu enabled in preference page, before i reported here. So i thought 🤔 a bug or something. Thanks again for your response, good luck and kudos!

Read older comments; I believe the reason it doesn't show up on Android devices is the menu is being hidden underneath the formatting. TheArcadean doesn't have the same issues most likely because they built the game with their phone's formatting in mind. Why the error would occur, only they can find out.