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I was wondering if it is possible to turn off QGO notification from being posted to the Meta Quest notification app, every time I run a game or app, that has a profile  it post to the Meta notification App, after awhile I develop a long list of QGO notifications that I will have to remove manually, I do not remember it doing this with prior versions of QGO before?


Hi, I didn't touch anything concerning this and personally don't use the notifications' app. Today, the notification is the only way to know if a profile as been applied. When the multitasking will come I will introduce vocalized notification as I did in previous version of QGO for Quest pro. It will come at the place of QGO notifications.

What you could try is to enable the "do not disturb"  mode, but you will receive any notifications, or you can go in the notification settings in the Quest Software, you could find a way to disable it.