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OMG hi!!! Lovely seeing something you created here on Itch, and something so awesome, too! I always say that I love "artifact games" where you create something (typically like... a drawn map or whatever) but this is REALLY an artifact game as you create a literal THING (that you can wear, even, and should cuz that's fabulous with the dinos on it!)... and then use that thing to play a game! A game where you make a game that you then play! How cool is that?!?!?!

- ✨Beth


Hi Beth! I  didn't know you had an Itch page, it's awsome seeing what everyone's made! Chris's game jam is so much fun.  Everyone's entries are so cool!

Yes!!! I'm looking so forward to making something for it too, it's right up my alley and I agree: I'm loving to see what people are making. And yours is such an epic inclusion too!