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(1 edit) (+2)

But u being an old itch member, I didn’t think u would take it that seriously. Plus, I had a chat with the guy, he says his itch acc is 123simpleton and he also seems to know me too, he called me jester which was suspicious so I’m wondering if he knows u too. I mean it be someone who knows both of us and playing a prank? Idk.


Well, i could take it (I've seen some crap), but the thing that was so confusing is what we were doing. Were we fighting? Were we RPing? Were we capturing??? I was in the dark!


And to "know" someone can mean many things.


i know you but i don't rly know you yep




RPing? I don’t even know, but seriously, if that was dark for u, then I’ve seen much more chaos.



