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Quick question, how do I play these games on iPhone? Sorry this isn’t entirely specific to this game but I want to try this one and some others out but can’t open the iOS app files or dmg files and can’t find a fix that doesn’t need a computer (my computer is dead at the moment).  Any help would be super appreciated:3

Of course I can't speak for other games, but in my case there is just no iOS version of it available, so unfortunately you won't be able to play it there for the time being.
Apple is just makes it a bit too much trouble to put it out, and I assume it might not even be possible to open them on regular iphones without doing some sideloading stuff, which most iOS user probably won't ever bother with.

So unfortunately it is just not worth it for me to invest time into it at this point. Maybe that'll change in the future but that's the situation as it stands. Sorry about that!


Oops that’s my bad, I copy pasted my question on a few message boards to save on typing with my phone.  I do appreciate your quick reply tho! :3

I’ll make do with web browser optional ones or I can replay Morenatsu/ homecoming.  Can’t wait to get my laptop fixed some day x_x;