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(4 edits) (+3)

few more questions…

1 - The merchant says we will have to make a choice with Chloe, separating from the “voices” or not…will we get that choice in the future?

2 - Will we be able to fuck… I mean, have a conversation with the assasian girl (who is one of the voices in Chloe head) and find out who sent her to the mansion in Act 2?

3 - The fey girls that Chloe absorbed I believe will be able to get pregnant if they are separated since in my previous post you said:

“Yes, all main characters will be able to get pregnant, as well as most side girls and one shots, but the end of the game :)”

Just corfirm, since the state Chloe is in is somewhat… strange.

4 - That’s the most confusing one for me… When the real events of Chloe romance begin, we will have those events with:

(1) Chloe true personality (the one who wants to kill us) and trying to make bonds of love and adoration with the MC correctly.

(2) Chloe false personality (the one who only obeys and who looked like a robot at the beginning).

5 - Gwen… are we going to be able to heal her somehow so she can walk again!? Even though she is kind of crazy because of the Awaken excess, she is cool and I hope to see what she is really like without the high level of Awaken she received, I hope she doesn’t get too mad for destroying her engagement with Mark and understand that it was for the best.

6 - The scientist belongs to us give her back!!! XD well, now that she is wandering around, will we be able to capture her since we used Awaken/Shatter in the lab in act 1 and temporarily lost her?

7 - Will we get to meet and face Veronica father in the new system as a stage boss? (The same goes for other men like Lily “ex”?)

8 - Do you have something planned for Emmett? It has always seemed to me that he likes Ami… I hope it won’t be a problem, whether Ami has become ours romantically or not.

9 - I hope Ard will be happy, when Hana has a baby and becomes more docile XD but it would be nice to see a scene to see how he would behave and if we can separate Chloe’s “voices”, wouldn’t it be possible to separate Ard and Hana in the future?


I also want to see kana's pack/tribe and maybe dominate them like the ninjas or Asteria's people. 

Also Morgana's traitor servant I hope we can do something with her since it implies that she can be an ally after you capture her.


Both Maven's tribe and Dhena will reappear in Act Three :)

Thanks for asking the question Ouro100 and for answering it Arc, I wanted to know that too.


1.  The question of if MC can - or should, or wants to - free Chloe from his control or bury her old self permanently will be a big part of her storyline in Act Three :)

2.  Yes, and you will also have the chance to recruit her as a "Battle Form" for Chloe for the Combat system later on too.

3.  Chloe's Fey Forms won't be able to get pregnant, as she can't hold the form that long, and when she phases back into normal the Fey Form dissipates back into her energy signature.

4.  I don't think that's a question..? ;P

5.  No spoilers for the future story beats of characters, sorry!

6.  If you didn't bring her with you in the finale then yes, you'll have the chance to find her again later. If you did bring her with you then she'll appear in the Manor once I get around to coding her events in.

7.  No spoilers for upcoming bosses, sorry! I want some of them to be a surprise, and some of them to show up in the sequels.

8.  Emmett (along with Erica) will reappear, but they're side characters so don't expect too much in the way of story impact.

9.  Nobody really understands the Ard/Hana situation. In a world of magic, anything is possible, but MC doesn't have the time or resources to focus on researching how to split the two - and they're perfectly happy with their situation right now anyway :)

Hope that answers everything!


About the 4th question don’t worry because with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ones answered I already have something in my mind.

I understand that Emmett and Erica are secondary characters and don’t have much of an impact on the story, but the two of them could help in some way in the new system in the future, perhaps.

If Ard and Hana are happy like this, I am happy for them and we will make a great family. (°(°ω(°ω°(☆ω☆)°ω°)ω°)°)

As for Gwen… not being able to answer makes both curiosity and excitement go to the limit, I will wait patiently for what is to come. (^˵◕ω◕˵^)

ヽ(°〇°)ノ Oooooh! More surprises, this story gets better and better, oh my heart… Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→

Hey… Mr. Arc, I think I’ve lost control… You, you look soooo cute~!☆ ♡ Hot, lovely and exciting~❤ σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡

That's, uhhh... are you... holding a knife behind your back?

(1 edit)

No knife darling.:・゚✧ Keep it up the good work ( ⁀▽⁀ )b

Sounds like something that someone with a knife would say.... but uh, thanks! Will do... honey... bun..?

Maybe… (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Or maybe something even more~♡ once you get home.💕🌙⋆⁺₊⋆

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