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I don't have a screenshot, but I just beat Corbac MECHA 10-0, he's such a tryhard, and the only thing he does is talk trash and spam.

Corbac MECHA, I know you'll see this, and all I have to say is...

L, get better, and stop being a toxic crybaby! Ha!


It's ez




ye i fought him before too


EZ, he's those kids with the rainbow light gaming pc's thinking that the pc makes them the best.



totally not me....


bruh you don't try to be "pro" at first you just gotta play like as a normal person




just like all the other tryhards who try to be "pro' immediately with good gear, on the opposite side are ppl like us with toasters dealing with a bunch of problems and restrictions who slowly make our way up to a true pro, that's why i despise tryhards.


Of course! They suck so much.


they think they good tho


well, yeah. That's why they are nasty and annoying.


kinda lifeless ngl 




hey think i should play along with alphin's joke?

I'd play along.


they sit on their devices all day with the curtains closed so its all dark, and act like a pro and try to grind when they r idiots.




yup i touch grass and get pollen in my eyes and play at the dinner table


i agree

Like, those megalomaniacs re not True tryharders but benighted




I literally have a rainbow light gaming pc.


well that's fine by itself it's just the people who are entitle bc of having that and a lot a other stuff that i won't list, not just bc of a rainbow pc.


Ok then. I hope I'm not entitled or anything like that. 


ofc not wise words from a old man: it's not about what you think about the things you play on it's about what you think of yourself when it comes to the game.

What the fu*k/

YA Some stupid kids that ruin those PC

And BTY probally I'm ruining My IPAD thou lol

yea lol

LOL just like

U remember me huh?

yea i remember you


My pleasure to be lying in ur memory lol



yea its so ez