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Here's an exemple. This is not true French.

And it's use beside being political is a cultural offense


People using language to  express their ideology should not be done. And I am not talking about people using the language as in speaking their mind. That is fine and the intended purpose. But changing the building blocks and    the grammar to express something, that  is a vile tactic usually done by oppression systems and intolerant people.  No matter how noble one thinks the cause is. The method is bad. And it shows the reader, that you obviously value ideology more than what you actually have to say. If I read about the weather or a game, I do not want to be bombareded with political speech. Language should be neutral. 

I remember people in the US trying to rename french fries to freedom fries. It is that kind of bigotism.

(Please refrain from defending users or opponents of such   ideology ridden terminology. It  would boil down to justification, emotional justification as that.  I vote for neutrality of the language(s), and  that is the opposite of emotional justification. I want  communication done by known words and grammar and not by   stealth changes to the very fabric of communication.)