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(4 edits)

I need to know, is the android version in any way worse than the windows version? Does it have worse quality, bugs, or performance issues? (I have a very good phone)

I am debating on whether to play on mobile or to use steam link to play on pc (steamlink streaming cons: very minor input lag, barely noticeable quality drop, worse controls)


Well it has lowest resolution, but since it's a smaller screen it shouldn't be too noticeable. Content is the same

(3 edits)

lowest? what do you mean?

Would it play at my phone's resolution or something lower?

I meant lower* than PC, my bad

(2 edits)

I guess I should play on pc and have it streamed if the resolution on the android version is going to be lower than my phone

Update: As a rule of thumb, I had learned that if a game has a pc version that's more than 2gb, then the android version is likely compressed (reduced quality or resolution)