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Okay, my bad I’m not on here often so which one ?

the one with red hair, and I'll use Akira 

okay you can start

Akira walked into her dorm room after going to 5 below to get some posters

Ian started walking out of his dorm, staring at her as he took out a cigarette. He was definitely checking her out.

Hey there, pretty lady.”

she lifted her head up obviously confused

"U-uhm hi? Are you my roommate??" 

she was so confused because she thought her roommate wasn't going to make it 

“No, i live down the hall. What’s your name mami?”

He checked her out again, lighting his cigarette.

Akira began to blush

"Im uh....I'm A-Akira"

“Pretty..this where you live?”

He looked down at her..I’m nglll he was Tallllll-6’3 sooooo yeah he was kind of towering over her……buttt yeah-. He wasn’t checking her out anymore just looking at her, giving the eye contacttttttttttttttt