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Akira walked into her dorm room after going to 5 below to get some posters

Ian started walking out of his dorm, staring at her as he took out a cigarette. He was definitely checking her out.

Hey there, pretty lady.”

she lifted her head up obviously confused

"U-uhm hi? Are you my roommate??" 

she was so confused because she thought her roommate wasn't going to make it 

“No, i live down the hall. What’s your name mami?”

He checked her out again, lighting his cigarette.

Akira began to blush

"Im uh....I'm A-Akira"

“Pretty..this where you live?”

He looked down at her..I’m nglll he was Tallllll-6’3 sooooo yeah he was kind of towering over her……buttt yeah-. He wasn’t checking her out anymore just looking at her, giving the eye contacttttttttttttttt 

She looked into his eyes is got nervous and looked down

"U-uhm yea, I'm just trying to make it more homey"

He grabbed her face and moved it to look at his.

“It’s okay mami, you can look at me.”

He then let go as he smirked,


Akira murmured

"Uh so what's your name ?" 

she smiles so innocently at him