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(2 edits)

I'm sad to say that these are the worst keyboard controls I have ever laid my fingers upon. Right is D. Fair enough. Left is Q. What? That makes no sense on a qwerty keyboard, and honestly, I can't think of any keyboard scheme that uses Q and D to move. Did you mean to map that to A? E instantly terminates the game!? Shift was never introduced, and I only found it by pressing everything on the keyboard (and then exiting the game because of E). Overall, this was a nightmare to control. It took me so long to figure out how to move left (I tried left arrow and A for WASD), that I assumed it wasn't there, and proceeded to bump my head into the wall for five minutes. Maybe introduce customisable control scheme, or just make the default scheme useful? The game looks incredible, but I found it almost unplayable on a keyboard. I'm not generally one for hate, but when something looks so amazing, but controls so miserably, I can't help but be sad =( 

The breaking point for me was when I struggled my way through the tutorial, was instructed to press x, but that was on a gamepad and keyboard x didn't do anything. I continued to press everything, searching for the button to end the level. In my search, I accidentally pressed E, which closed the game and lost all my progress through the level. 

Please fix...

(1 edit)

Fair enough and thanks for your comment. I must say that I mapped keyboard controls quickly, and without paying enough attention. I just wanted to integrate that.
The game is reallly mean to be played with gamepad, and I will be more careful on this in the next release.
Thanks to you, that what I expect from a pre_alpha, and will fix that as soon as possible. I'll let you know.

Fixed. The game is still very hard to play on keyboard. Feedbacks are confirming that the game is too hard too quick anyway.