I was hoping to use this asset (https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/4720/draw-sprite-pos-fixed) to fix the default draw_sprite_pos(). What is cool is that this asset allows color and alpha which is not currently supported by draw_sprite_pos(), and it fixed the weird texture effects.
So I added it in into my project, added the scripts/shader, and used the draw scripts in the normal/material events. In the material event, I ran the added script (draw_sprite_pos_fixed) including the material variable (as color), and shadow_depth variable (as alpha). In the normal event, I ran the added script (draw_sprite_pos_fixed) including the normal variable (as color), and LE_NORMAL_ANGLE variable (as alpha). Essentially, I tried to replace the ordinary draw events from the example project with this draw_sprite_pos_fixed script.
Unfortunately, the draw_sprite_pos_fixed script appears to be adding a black box around the entire sprite (and any other objects with similar draw events). This issue does not occur if either (1) I only run the script in the draw event or (2) I remove the following 2 lines from the script:
vertex_submit(v_buffer, pr_trianglestrip, texture);
My guess is setting new shaders while the normal/material shaders are doing their work by the light engine is causing the issue. Any idea on how I might go about getting this script to be compatible? The original GM function is just not enough to make use of this powerful lighting system.