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All I'm missing is the final image in the gallery. All of the endings are highlighted as done but it says I only have 37/38 endings. Any idea what to do?

I don't know if I've responded to you previously or not so my apologies if I'm repeating myself but if you're missing a gallery image there is one in the extra content area. Wait nvm sorry 37/38 that's an ending! my bad. What's the ending title? /greyed out tab

That's the thing, none of the endings are greyed out.

😬I am sorry but I have some really bad news for you :( ... After release a few from my discord had bought the game and encountered the same issue. It's cause when they, and you likely, got to an ending they didn't let it play all the way through and it ended up not being able to finishing the uh... not sure what term/how to explain this outside of code talk.
It didn't get to the last line of the code and so therefore the variable wasn't triggered.
No idea if that's going to make sense to anyone or not but I guess it didn't finish loading everything so it didn't save? 🤔 Please forgive me if I'm over complicating this, I haven't slept well in a few days so I'm just not sure I'm making sense.

The unfortunate take away from this is there's nothing I can do to immediately help you despite the fact that I really really want to fix it for you. I think the options available are maybe 1. replay until you find the ending that didn't load. Which is what the person on discord did but I can see how that's an inconvenience or 2. If the general consensus would like me to maybe make a version where extra content isn't locked and you just got it that would perhaps fix this. Or a button that unlocks it incase it doesn't unlock... I'm not sure I have to think about this....

While I know that doesn't "help" I do hope it at least explains. I'm sorry Harry.

hey no problem, I had a feeling it might have been my fault 😂 thanks for the help anyway!

ik it's late but the final CG can only be got through clicking extra at the main menu.