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Psycho killers and maniacs used to be, but now play games instead? Seriously?

That is like claiming people stopped doing lewd stuff, but now play  lewd games instead.

Admittedly, there is a rise and fall in statistics with serial killers, but  I would not attribute that to games or lack thereof.   The advancement in forensics allowed to identify murders as being serial murders in the first place. Not everything is as clear cut as Jack the Ripper cases. But that same advancements allowed to catch murderers before they became serial. Or even deter them or drive them to use methods that are again not detectable as serial cases.

If the gov would be really interested in effectifly reducing stuff like killing sprees by banning or not banning stuff, they should ban the news. No other thing inspires wannabe killers more.

If you want to hear a plausible idea, it may be due to leaded gasoline. Lead  poisoning increases aggression.   Leaded gasoline was introduced in the 1920s and   banned  around the  1990s. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Would you care not to mention stuff like that in a thread created by a kid?   At least you edited out the sources of your "research".

(1 edit)

Iv already learned about the reproductive genitalia in health class so its not really too big of a deal for example I know that men piss and release In the same body part

That is not what he mentioned before the edit ;-)

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Deleted it, (You're safe now kid) 

(1 edit)

I mean it wouldent ruin my life, besides i wouldn't have searched it

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It actually could, but let it be. How's your work goin on? Any new games?

Its the end of the quarter and im working on an ad for an assignment, its on scratch for my account but i dont have time to work on my games

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There was no need to mention all that here kid

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