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I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or what, but I knew all of Papyrus’ riddles but no matter what I type in for the last one, he kills me. I know the answer and I’ve typed it numerous ways, I even tried not typing, but he always says I’m wrong! If that’s just normal then it’s fine but it’s frustrating… I like riddles and I knew the answers so this just bugs me a bit. 

Hi Jittzy! This is a known issue with some mobile users when using any HTML game & text boxes - most common with android users. 

Some users have been able to correctly pass the riddle by copy-pasting the answer. Please ensure you do not have spaces before or after.

Copy paste: silence


Copy paste: Silence

There is a built in mechanic if the game notices you've died on that riddle a few times you will get the option to skip if you do not want to copy-paste. 
