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hey if a guest hacks wouldn't they be invincible from a ban?

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they could hardware ban but the problem is if that guy is hacking at school everyone else in the school is banned to that’s why it’s better to ip ban for account players

what's hardware ban?

Well, think of a king (a no life craphole) ordering soldiers (hacks) to fight some other king (The game).

Instead of building a wall to block the king's soldiers (Regular banning), the other king decides to just kill King #1, so he doesn't have to deal with him anymore (Hardware banning).

hmm ok so like a assassin the hardware ban is kills the king right? 

ohh ok

Yeah, I hope it was simple to understand. That's essentially how hardware banning works.

oh ok

what if the king is a fake?

what if vpn user?!

(1 edit)

hardware ban is banning all the accounts in that area of the hacker but havoc was pretty much right

No, how? If they have anti-ban then creators will use anti-anti-ban and then players make anti-anti-anti-ban and so on. An example is ad-blockers. People have developed anti-adblockers. And players have developed anti-anti-adblockers. People have developed Blockanti-anti-adblock. (Not sure about the names)