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Thank you for taking the time to reply and for seeing what I wrote for what it is: constructive criticism. Like you said some flavor text here and there related to the PC's personality and speciality would go a long way in making them more a central and well defined character in the story. It could be little things like characters saying "don't expect much conversation from them" if you play your character as stoic or "you're in your element in this club" if the PC is more outgoing. I'm not advocating for stat checks and I'm so glad you don't have that in this game. It's honestly refreshing not having to stress about that kind of thing.

I get also how this can be difficult since you offer so many choices to every situation which is pretty awesome. It would, I think, be even better if there were just more acknowledgements here and there about it from the NPCs. You put so much love and attention into the NPCs (it shows) and I think the PC can benefit from that too.

I don't expect or think you need to change plot element like Rylan getting away either and absolutely understand that choice.

I'll say this in closing: yours is one of the best IFs I've ever played on this site and I've played a lot of them. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what happens next.


thank you!! once again, i really appreciate the feedback and completely see where you're coming from. i'll add more flavour text with the next update in hopes of personalizing the story a little more <33