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This is incredibly sad, you build such a great community, but you can't keep your promises. I love the game you built, in the beginning, yes I only had one thought on my mind, however after playing your game, I was thrown into your story. You have great story telling, and that is why it makes me sad to talk negatively on your Page like this.
Your last post on was on Halloween of 2022. The last time you updated about the roadmap on your discord was Nov. 3, 2021. Your last announcement on discord was Dec. 15, 2022. And lastly, your tweets are all over the place, it's hard to get any information if the game is still being worked on. You keep saying, check all these ares for more information.
I have been a follower of your game since 2020. Please do better, stop being lazy (I am happy you are aware of it), and please make some content for the fans that been supporting you. 

Now to the community, ALL NEW PLAYERS, play the game, it's a 10/10, you will fall in love with the story. However, do not put any money into the game because I think for us as a Community we must stop giving them money, so they become aware we are seeing a lack of developing.
We can only support so much, do not take advantage of us. We love the game, we love the hard work, but we see problems and either give us an actual update about the game or release a new update. Likewise, we NEED something.


QUALITY: The quality of the game is pretty good, I have seen better, but it works well for the story. 4/5

STORY: The story is absolutely great, I loved it, I really want to know what's to come and where it will go. Great writing, great characters and great everything. 5/5

COMMUNITY: I am not as active as probably most of the members; however, I collect my information, the community is a great place, filled with nice and minded people. When someone needs help with the game, many come to help. And there are plenty of channels to look at as well. 5/5

DEVELOPING: At first, the game was being worked on really well, almost as if there were a passion behind it. But overtime it got slower and slower, until it just stopped. It has now been almost 3 years since the last update. This is my drawing point. It absolutely sucks this is the case. Its sad honestly. 0/5

UPDATES: Very lacking with updating the community about the game, feels as if the game was forgotten or discarded and all the fans with it. Bad vibes all around. 0/5

OVERALL: 2.9/5


Bud the developer is active in their discord updating the community what is happening just have a look in the minor announcements section.

Just from a few weeks ago they explained that they have had family health issues but let's not let that get in the way of your fapping bud...

Also almost 3 years since the last update? Pretty there was a Halloween update so that's 5 months not 3 years. 

Remember something bud this is one person developing a game that has more features than pretty much any other in this type of category, that's has some of the smoothest animations and gameplay for anything of this type that isn't just a basic renpy or unity build. 

But to summarise good things come to those that wait. 

Overall I give your crying a solid 1.29/5 as if you bothered to just check the discord or ask the dev in discord first before your little hissy fit you would have known what is going on. 


The "Halloween update" you refer to wasn't new content, but content that was locked behind your computer's local time/date settings. It was the same exact content from the previous year, read that specific update blog and you'll see the dev say the same. If you still don't believe me, turn off automatic updates for your time/date setting and change the date to Halloween, it will enable that content again.


Yep, it was old content!


Nope, never mentioned the Halloween content, I was simply saying that was their last post on I am aware of the Halloween event, I've been following this update on this game for almost 3 years now.

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No, GreyishGreen mentioned the Halloween update, which was simply a post mentioning it was that time of year  and that the content was available to play again. I was simply pointing out that it wasn't an update to the game at all, and that it was simply old content being unlocked by your computer's time/date settings. See the dev's reply just before yours.


My point still stands, last post on here was Halloween, I understand what you are saying. I am saying that it's barely updated anymore, and just more and more promises from the dev. I simply have to see it to believe it now, I hate for this game to be another MGI controversy.


I'm not arguing that the last "update" post was about the Halloween content, that's an easily verified fact right now. And yeah, I can see why you're skeptical about unverifiable update news, as the game has gone for far longer than can reasonably be expected between updates to content. Did I enjoy playing through the currently available content? Absolutely! Am I holding my breath waiting for new content? No, not really. It would be nice if we did get new content, but I look at it the same way I look at getting tipped these days, it's always appreciated, but never expected.


Damn, wow, imagine getting, so butt hurt about me making an honest review. It's been 3 years, Komisari was updating the game fine in the beginning and the animations did get better. But did the animations seriously get so fucking great that it takes 3 years for 1 simple update? No. 

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I totally agree with you and feel the same. This game just goes in the same direction that MGI went, sad.


Hello, I'm really happy you love the game.
I'm extremely passionate about HHG, I work and talk every day about it with my friends, and I every day think about the story, and how it can be improved, geez, I even have a worldanvil page where I write everything about the world-building and how stuff works.

I'm in love with Hero's Harem Guild, and I work every single day on it, so it hurts a little bit when people say I need to work harder or that I dropped the project, but it's understandable due to your position of not seeing me doing x stuff every day.

Now, before, was I working faster than today? No, that's not technically true. I want Hero's Harem Guild to be the best or one of the best H games out there so that requires me to improve my way of doing stuff and BE BETTER.

Before, I was just posing some characters, using modders' items and scenarios that were already made by others, and just using them. I didn't care too much about lightning, the camera, or about even the story, it was really simple to do everything.

Today that is different. As I modify textures of objects and create my own, I use proper lighting, I work a lot on the camera to give a more animey feeling, and I do lots, lots of other stuff I work on. (Sounds, expressions, effects on photoshop, etc)

And I believe that is why it might... feel... "slower". Because the quality of what I'm doing forces me to be slower, but I can't go faster; I go as fast as possible, as always

I'm aware that lots of people do not believe in me, but I don't care. I just hope that whenever I release this, people can see the clear and exponential quality differences between the 3-year-old version and the new.
And I'm extremely fine if people don't support me on Patreon; I'm not writing this for people to go and pay me. I don't care, don't do it. When I write stuff, I do it to tell people I'm still working on the game, and I want HHG to be the best H game ever. So, play it whenever it releases.

Sorry for the delays and the wait. I will be expecting your and thousands' feedback once you see the new stuff :D


Thank you! Can't wait! Haven't found a game even close to touching this since I played it, so you're definitely on the right track(:


Bro, take as much as time u need. We are with you. 


I respect your comment, I respect that you believe you are doing everything you can. I mean, that's the best any person can do. You are truly one of my favorite devs and I really hope you didn't read my comment wrong in any way, wasn't trying to bash you, just giving my honest opinion, on what I have seen over the 3 years. I'll be happy to play when the next update comes out. I just get a bad feeling like MGI, and now I simply need to see it before I believe it. Good luck, and I seriously can't wait for the next update. I hope it comes soon. 


I love your game so much. I can wait months or years. Just don't overwork yourself.


ngl just for that message i respect you more then most developers out there and i would gladly pay you if i could.

i am waiting since over a year like many others but i dont care how long it takes. the important part is that you keep your passion for the project and enjoy what you creat. after all isnt the point of creating something to be proud of it?

kinda sad to see all the people just throwing negative comments around without even trying to get informations on it.

im not in the discord, im not on twitter. all i do is check the comment section here once in a while for a komisari comment and i feel like i get all the informations that way without any effort.

keep doing what you do and know that not all the players here are that negative :)


It's absolutely shameful of you to call the developer lazy or say they need to "do better", no matter when the last update was. 

This is basically a free game and you are not entitled to frequent updates and content, regardless of how much you donated or for how long you've been a follower.

The developer will release updates based on their own schedule and you have no place to set expectations for the development or even implore the community to stop donations. This is their game after all, not yours. 

Perhaps rather be grateful for the fact that you already got to enjoy all the updates that have come out so far.


I am simply worried about the donators. The dev for MGI just quit and promised everyone more content and never fulfilled that promise. Also, before you get mad at me for calling the dev "lazy", go look at their profile on discord. They literally describe themselves as a lazy game developer. Hint on why I said (glad you are aware of it lol), I made sure to write my comment as good as I could without attacking them. I am simply worried about everyone giving them money for more updates when it has been 3 years since the last update.

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I think it's completely alright to be curious about future updates, especially after that amount of time. But I could've just asked, like "Hey, what's the current state of development" or "When do you plan for the next update to release" or something like that. 

That would've been far more respectful than being demanding or judgemental about it right away, without knowing the reasons for the delay.

And about your worries for the donators: They can choose to stop donating literally anytime, it's up to them if they wanna believe in an update or not or if they maybe just donate out of appreciation for what's already there. It's not really an unjust thing for the developer to receive donations, even when there's no new updates. In the end, every donator needs to decide that for themselves.


You are 100% right, and I apologize if I came off demanding or judgmental. That was not my intention and still isn't. I just think numerous people are riding on this hope train that a new update might come out. And sure it might! But if you look at the track record, it's not great.

Especially when you're getting money from your donators, but they get nothing in return.
It's not exactly tipping anymore because tipping is there for the service you got. But yes, all donators can think for themselves and decide for themselves, but I also am free to inform new players about the track record of the game and how the dev is handling it.

It's not a black and white issue, it about is there going to be a new update, is the dev still working on it, is the money going to dev helping them with the game. So many questions and I can't help but ponder that after three years, we would have another update by now. 3 years of money coming from patrons, 1,254 patrons (As of March 2023) over 6k a month. I can't help but be skeptical and think of MGI. I can't help it. It is just what I see.

Also, the reason why I didn't ask those questions was because they have been asked in the comments for the past three years, with the same response from the dev. I