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Anyways being serious,  boneless is worse than agent, but we shouldn't attack or antagonize them outside a match, simply because they aren't toxic outside the game.

and plus being mean to em doesn't make it better and just let them be tea ok

Yeah, being mean to them makes you just as bad.

ye unless they're a "try out our new hentai game" spammer then you should attack them

Yeah, grab your pitchfork and torch, lol

sound the horns

But did he do the right? Did he even apologize? He just kept breaking his promises that he won't kill.

ik but still we shouldn't attack or antagonize him here just attack him in game


You're right that we shouldn't antagonize anyone, but if I was in boneless' situation, I wouldn't get angry. So I don't really see the point

well teaming up and killing him over and over is fine

(1 edit)

?? I did team on him, but 2 times I would kill him then stop! Well, later again when he would kill I'd do the same

yea that's ok